Sorry I had not posted updates but the summer hit me. Children home from school, family visiting, doing rehab for spin, Doctors appointments, puppy having five cute puppies, finding home for pups, preparing kids for school and I will not lie facebook has taken over. I was so ready to send them back to school; ready for my time. It was taken me a while to get back into routine and to wing off of facebook but it is slowing happening. I do have a SAL finished and have progressed on a some SAL's
A FINISH: So proud of my finished project. Contest Piece for Stickideen von der Wiehenburg

Another finished was a Summer SAL with OakHaven Designs call Seasons House

This is the Monthly SAL for OakHaven Designs

Kaliedocope Snow Checkers SAL

Have fallen behind on some of my SALs but as I have stated before they will never become UFO, THY WILL GET FINISHED or at leased worked on again soon.